Monday, November 14, 2011

He First Loved

Last week a friend of my cousin emailed me, asking me to start writing for a his website called "He First Loved", which is based on 1 John 4:19 ("We love because He first loved us"). I immediately jumped on this opportunity. The site is filled with articles, poems, videos, etc. of young men and women who have completely fallen in deep love for Christ Jesus, and who have decided to let go of everything unnecessary in life to cling onto the ONLY thing that matters in the entire world...and that is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. The site is a great illustration of how the Body of Christ comes together to spread the gospel. HFL writers come from all over the nation, with all different stories, backgrounds, struggles, experiences, etc., but with the same motive-the same intention, which is to make Christ known. With one voice, we take a stand and wave our banner of Christ's Love for ALL to see.

Check out the site: