Monday, November 7, 2011

Lord, Take It From My Hands

"My main work is to clear out debris and clutter, making room for My Spirit to take full possession. Collaborate with Me in this effort by being willing to let go of anything I choose to take away. I know what you need, and I have promised to provide all of that-abundantly!"

My dear friend Anna-Louise shared this with me, from "Jesus Calling" today. Today, this especially spoke so gently and beautifully into my heart.

Many times, we start asking God why He takes things away from our lives, whether it be losing a family member, missing out on a great opportunity, falling short financially, or losing a relationship with someone you thought you could have for a lifetime... But we must remind ourselves that when God takes things away from us, it is for our own protection, to reserve our hearts solely for the Lord. He knows what is clutter and what is valuable. He is the only One who can sort out what is debris and what is pure. He promises to remove the brokenness and strife to replace with His unfailing Love and eternal Joy! He has everything we need; its just a matter of letting some things go, then we can experience His blessings-His true abundant blessings.

This afternoon, I prayed the following, which brought me to realization of my desperate need for Him:

"Father God, my heart feels like its in a million pieces. Rather than my attempting to pick up every single piece, I invite You to pick up and take away all the clutter, all the debris, all the strife that is causing me to turn away from You. Take it from my hands. It is not worth holding onto. You are all I need. I am desperate for You. In Jesus' holy and precious Name, Amen."