Wednesday, November 16, 2011

new mercies each day!

"Great is His faithfulness. His mercies begin afresh each morning!" Lamentations 3:24
Despite the kind of day you had yesterday, today is a NEW day!! God takes an ordinary day and turns it into a beautiful one; just as He has made you a new person, He makes each day a NEW day!
Lately, I've been waking up in the mornings with a very anxious heart, before even getting out of bed. I know the Enemy is trying to steal my joy away first thing in the morning, but my God gives me the courage and strength to CHOOSE JOY instead and not give way to fear and anxiety. When joyfulness may not come easy to you in the morning, you have the power and ability to CHOOSE JOY! God will give you everything you need to experience His Joy in each day!!